The weeks of the ugly cry

Ah... The good 'ol ugly cry face. This was me every time I drank too much. It takes a lot for me to cry but I would get to thinking what is it going to feel like? What would it look like? What is my husband going to think? How bad is this going to hurt? So many thoughts ran through my head as I was thinking of having my mastectomy. It really was a very emotional decision. Ugly cry #1, There will be no feeling left in your breasts. Ummm? Excuse me? So your saying my sex life will be a little less exciting right!? Ok. Cry it out. Ugly cry #2, there will be scars all over from opening the breast to take out the tissue, and then from the drain tubes coming out. Get your shit together Morgan, that's not that bad. I mean come on who sees your boobs? Oh well, go ahead and cry it out again. Ugly cry #3, I can't open the refrigerator for a couple weeks!? How am I going to eat!? I am going to starve! Wow you are ridiculous but whatever, cry again. I had to keep remembering why I am doing this. Yeah, it's going to look different! Yep, it definitely is going to hurt! My husband, eh, he'll get used to 'em! The refrigerator, I'll have plenty of help and there's food elsewhere. I'm doing this to prevent cancer! That is the main goal and focus. In the grand scheme of things, none of that matters at all! A few months of discomfort for a lifetime of piece of mind. I'll take that anyday! One of the worse things to hear is "Well at least you'll get new boobs". It is NOT a breast augmentation. Yes you are getting new boobs but they are not functional nor look like a boob job. I read some things on the internet before surgery that were crazy! I'm someone who doesn't care too much what people think but I also don't really care to hear people's negative opinons. No one knows unless it's happening to them. There are many people that think it is a very drastic decision. Well people get surgery to make themselves look different all the time for pleasure. I'm doing this for my health not pleasure. No one would even know I had it done unless I showed them. Not too drastic when you look at it that way. Everyone has an opinion but the only ones that matter are your doctors and your own! Thankfully most everyone was very supportive of my decision.

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