The day of surgery

December 9th, a day I will never forget! Oddly enough, that morning I was pretty calm. I really didn't feel nervous or anxious, I just felt like this was what I had to do. My husband (Brent) seemed more nervous than I was! My mom was nice enough to take the week off work to help so she and my husband took me to the hospital. On the way Brent kept looking back at me. I'm still here, don't worry! I could tell the closer we got he was getting a little more anxious. They took me back to get me ready. A beautiful gown was draped over a bed of nice linens, and a pair of soft luxurious socks were awaiting me. My dream world got interrupted by "ok, take everything off, all of it. I'll be back in." Well nice to meet you too! Then I thought, oh shit! here we go... This is real! The nurse came back in and it was time! They started an IV in my hand but it ended up in my forearm. I got all my hook up's necessary, talked to my doctor, anesthesiologist and my OR nurse. Then I got the go ahead with the versed. The "sleepy juice" got me quick and I don't remember anything after being wheeled back into the operating room.
A couple tips before surgery. Go shopping! You'll need a lot of comfy zip ups/ button ups. That's your wardrobe for a couple weeks. This will only happen once for gosh sakes, spoil yourself a little! I got a huge amazingly soft blanket, new granny panties (ones that were bigger and wouldn't ride up my butt) some comfy socks, a handful of bras, a lot of open front sweaters and zip ups and a couple other things that had nothing to do with the surgery but I felt like I needed. Hey, I'm going through a lot here! Get your underarms waxed. You won't be able to reach those puppies for awhile. The waxing at least makes the hair growth come in a little slower and softer. Also it's not as itchy growing back in. Stock up on snacks. Taking strong pain pills every couple hours, you need to put food in that belly! I am a sugar freak and instead of a healthy snack, it's time to take a pill, ok I'll eat a rice krispie treat, fruit roll ups a snicker bar. Probably not the best for you but oh well, it tasted good. Straws are very convenient. I've never been one to drink from straws but it's hard to lift your glass over and over so the straw makes it a little easier. Front close sports bras. I got a nice one from my doctor but you'll want more. Get them a little bigger as the drains will feel pinched if they are too tight. I looked everywhere and got a few different types. My favorite ended up being the cheapest one from of all places, Wal-Mart. It was about $6. It hooks up the front and has a nice spandex feel so the seems were not bulky and irritating. A recliner is a life saver. We didn't have one before the surgery. We went to buy one and Brent said you'll probably want all matching some day so just get the whole set. WHHHAAAATT? Are you serious? I think he might have been feeling sorry for me. Well shoot, I'm not going to say no! We went from no recliners to 5! Really the only way you can sleep comfortably for awhile is tilted up. Last but not least, good support! It's very hard after surgery. You're very sore, emotional, tired and frustrated. Just having great family and friends can make you feel so much better!

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