My Super Cute Male Nurse

I really don't know where to begin with this guy. He has been my everything since we met. He was one of the #1 reasons I did this. When I told him I was positive for the gene, he gave me the biggest hug ever and said "well let's do what we gotta do! It'll all be good, you know I'm here for you". Well remember those ugly crys? Yep, right then and there they started (He was the lucky one that got to deal with those) Any time I would start crying, I would get a hug, a hand hold, a kiss on the forehead, always reminding me that it'll all be fine. I still remember over a year and a half ago I met with the surgeon for the first time. He took off work to go and be my support. On the way there he reached out his hand and put it into my lap to hold my hand. Ugh, instant tears!! He does this a lot but for some reason that day it got me. I kind of felt like I was being ridiculous for crying but this was a big deal for me and he knew that. He went to every appointment with me. EVERY SINGLE ONE! No matter if he had to take off work, he made sure he knew everything that was going on. Leading up to the surgery he was out of his norm. Usually it's "what did you buy now? You don't need anymore clothes". A week before he asked, "do you have enough zip ups, do you have enough bras, what else do you need to get? Hmm.. I thought, what else have I been wanting? Haha just kidding. He was absolutely AMAZING after surgery. For a couple days I needed help with everything. Putting my shirt on, my socks on, my bra hooked and re-dressed with padding. I couldn't even get my underwear and pants up. I even needed help sitting up. He would give my back a shove up and then help me get my butt up (he said that was his favorite part) I'm sure I was lookin' real sexy!
He really did it all! He was so helpful and quick to tell me "Stop! I got it, you shouldn't be doing that" He stood in the shower with me the first time I was able to shower which by the way felt A-MAZING!!! He helped wash in places I couldn't reach (please note all my dignity is gone from having kids and this surgery) he had to wash my hair for me for a couple weeks. He even gave me a blow dry and straighten after. My own personal hairdresser. I could get used to this!

He was great with my drains. I mean really, who wants to empty blood and body fluid from someone 3 times a day everyday, take it to the toilet to flush it and then clean the cups. Its just a pain! He never once complained about it. He actually took it very serious. I mean serious enough to get down on his knees to measure. Wow! It's just in my nature to not want to ask for help but I didn't really have a choice through all this. I can't tell you how many times I asked him for help and said, sorry! He finally said "quit saying you're sorry! I am chosing to be off work to help you, this is what I want to do". My response. Ok, sorry! I'm such a smartass.

Sleeping is very uncomfortable. The first couple days after you aren't even able to lift your pillow to get it back to where you want it because it is so painful. Every night he tucked me in my recliner just right. A pillow to one side, a blanket on the other, my fan turned on and a blanket on me. Man, what a diva I sound like! The pain pills at first made me itchy so I took a benadryl before bed and it helped me sleep a little bit better. One of my favorites was Brent went to the store to find me new bras after mine had shrunk in the wash. I told him to just look for the biggest bras you can find, they are somewhere in there. Poor guy. He just always kept going, trying to make me smile and never making me feel like I am a burden. That meant a lot because I sure did feel like a burden. MANY TIMES! My first time driving anywhere by myself I felt like I was being interrogated. Are you sure you can drive, what if something is too heavy, what if you can't open the door, wear pants with no button so if you go to the bathroom you don't need to button them back up, can you carry your purse, call me when you get there. Boy oh boy! (I did fine by the way) Well he deserves the world for everything he has done for me. He has always been my greatest fan and supports me 100% in everything I do. I know he will never understand how much everything he did means to me!

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