Woah.. What the $%#&! happened to me!?!

6 hours of surgery later.. I rocked it! Well not really, my doctors and nurses did, I just laid there asleep. They told me I did wake up just chattering away (shocking)! I just wish I knew what I was saying. That's kind of a scary thing to think of, not having any recollection of what you were talking about! Oh well, they have to be used to that. I got back to my room where I had to stay overnight and wow.. I felt like I got hit by a truck. A big huge massive concrete hauling truck. Every little move was uncomfortable. Lucky for me I had to just lay there. My chest felt like a ton of bricks were laying on it. I'm a little claustrophobic and the pressure on my chest was a lot to handle. It felt so tight. It honestly felt like someone had my chest in a vice and was just cranking it. I didn't feel terrible just very sore. I pulled my sheets down to see 4 drain bulbs on a belt around my waist. They were my new tag alongs, there was just no way to get rid of them. At least they are pretty! Ha yeah right! My family all came in after I was brought to my room and I of coarse was hungry. No food from midnight the night before and at this time it was 7 pm. My Dad offered to get me anything I wanted. I wanted pizza from the local bar. I'm a real classy broad! It really is the best.
I got a piece that had a lot of crust which was not a good idea trying to swallow after having a tube in your throat for hours. It was a little hard to get down. Well, let's just sit up and have a drink of water. Woah! Hello nausea! Oookkkk now that delicious pizza is about to come right back up. They laid me down and put a cold rag on my head and neck and I felt a little better. Brent wanted to stay the night with me but I told him I'd rather him go home and get sleep. Thank goodness I did. The nurse was in every couple hours giving me pain meds, taking my blood pressure, temperature. The ladies and gentleman taking care of me were amazing! The anesthesia made me so itchy. Between the discomfort and the itching, there was no sleep in my future. I figured that's all I'll be doing at home, might as well soak up people taking care of me! I "woke up" the next day to my Aunt bringing me a nice treat.
Starbucks and a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast. Ahh... Perfection! It was definitely a chore to try to sit up as you use so much upper body muscle to get up. Every time I had to go to the bathroom I was thinking NOOO! I don't want to have to get up! You move like a snail, you're in pain, dizzy and just out of it, even a 12 foot walk to the bathroom seems to be a lot. My Grams had brought me some comfy jammies and slippers that I couldn't wait to get into. I mean we all know how comfy those hospital gowns are! Late afternoon I was discharged and headed straight to my plastic surgeon so he could make sure everything was looking the way it should. All in all the hospital was a great experience. I am so thankful for that!

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