The amazing people in my life

Like I had mentioned before, my Mom was awesome and came in from Cleveland to help Brent with the kids and I for the first week. It was so nice having help so Brent didn't have to do everything himself. She was a gem! Got us good food, would go to the store for anything we needed, did our laundry, helped with my drains, gave me back scratches, helped to keep things tidy and just helped with whatever was needed. I hope she knows how much that meant to me! I really have the sweetest people in my life. I got so many thoughtful gifts, wonderful meals and cards. I felt so fortunate to have great friends and family. We truly appreciated everyone who took the time out of their lives to come bring us a meal or who came to visit. For about the first week it was hard when people came over because I like to be hospitable, but I really couldn't. I hated just laying there, it made me feel lazy. I know I had a good reason but I couldn't help but feel that way.

I never expected anything and was blown away at people's generosity! I got a couple things delivered to my house that made me smile and one all the way from Florida to make me laugh pretty hard. I'm not gonna lie It hurts to laugh but she knew it was necessary and it was worth it! It was so amazing to receive meals. Brent was so tired and I couldn't do anything. It was so nice to have food to just warm up and eat. I will never forget all the good food people brought over! Like I said, I am so lucky to have so many great people in my life. We are so so blessed. I think I gained 10 pounds!

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